In reference to the provisions of the Articles of Association but more specifically addressing the rules of ethics, members integrity and ethical conduct, this code is made as of today. Conflicts of Interest All board members, managers and employees, and members are required to:
• Conduct themselves and REGTECH ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG’s business with honesty and integrity, avoiding both actual and apparent conflicts of personal or professional interests.
• Refrain from accepting or being influenced by gifts.
Legal Compliance
All board members, managers, employees, and members are required to:
• Comply with laws, rules, and regulations of central, state, and local governments, and other appropriate private and public regulatory agencies that govern our business. While it is difficult to know the details of these laws, it is important to know enough to determine when to seek advice from appropriate professional of the law.
• Provide full, accurate and timely reporting and disclosure of information when requested by the proper authorities.
• Comply with all laws and regulations relating to anti-trust regulations, fair competition, and pricing.
• Comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing.
• Refrain from making or accepting any improper payments or kickbacks or asking others to do so.
• Adhere to international human rights conventions.
Association Information and Assets
All board members, managers, employees, and members are required to:
• Report information accurately and honestly.
• Represent our business accurately, openly, and honestly.
• Act with integrity at all times in business transactions and with business information.
• Refrain from using confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets or technical innovation obtained or understood during meetings of the association for personal gain, including disclosure of confidential information to a third party.
• Comply with the association's disclosure and trading guidelines.
• Safeguard with utmost care the association property and information.
• Keep confidential all information designated as such concerning the business interests, affairs, or trade secrets of the association or of any of its subsidiary or affiliated associations and NGOs.
Workplace Practices
All board members, managers, employees, and members are expected to:
• Promote ethical behavior in the work environment.
• Contribute to the foundation of a fair association of like-minded directors, members, officers, managers, employees, and general users.
• Resolve conflicts amicably and in a personal face-to-face manner if possible.
• Promptly report dishonest, unethical, or illegal activities by other members to appropriate parties.
• Comply with this Code of Ethics, knowing that failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
• Ensure that the workplace is free from discrimination and harassment and respect diversity and every individual especially regarding origins and genders.
Reporting and Enforcement
Any breach of the above policy may result in disciplinary action and exclusion.
Internal theft, fraud, or other serious abuses, such as accounting and auditing irregularities, affect everyone. In the most serious cases, the negative impact on the association’s reputation and financial well-being cannot find remedy. If a board member becomes aware of theft, fraud, or other abuses in the workplace, he/she should not ignore it.
If a board member, an officer or a manager suspects possible violations of the Code of Ethics or laws, such person has the responsibility to contact human resources or another responsible party at REGTECH ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG immediately.
Regardless of how any suspected violation is reported, there will be no form of reprisal for doing so. REGTECH ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG LIMITED will investigate fully all matters related to alleged violations and take appropriate action. It is everyone’s responsibility to help create and ensure an effective workplace. Board members are expected to participate fully in any investigation of alleged misconduct.
Signed by: Dr. Fred Jumelle
Title: Honorary Secretary
Date: 7th of July 2020